
Interlangua 2/3: Brushing My Hair with a Broom

December 11, 2008

Along with great technology Interlangua had great tutors. The Spanish language tutors came from Antigua, Guatemala, which has been a center of Spanish language learning for many years. One good tutor recommended another.

When I signed up in March, I could read Spanish, but I could not say a word. I learned to speak Spanish by conversing with a tutor one-on-one via streaming video.

Twice a week for nine months Interlangua tutors Marco Antonio Tabin Garcia or Sheny Recinos in Guatemala, taught me at home in Houston. We talked about whatever I was doing at work or on holidays, and I listened to what they were up to.

Laughter was Interlangua’s Differentiator

The tutors used pictures in the chat to good effect. When I said that I brushed my hair with an “escoba,” Sheny showed me a picture in the chat of an “escoba”, and we laughed. I was tickled when I managed to be (intentionally) funny in Spanish.

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